- The Priests symbolizes pastors and leaders of the church.
- If the Priest rejects knowledge, he will not impart knowledge to the people and the people perish.
- It shall be like people like Priest.
- Curse came upon Israel, the Nation of God because they ceased obeying the Lord. Same with the church if it cease obeying the Lord.
I. The Christians need to be founded in the Lord knowledge of Jesus.
A. Leaders need to know God's will.
B. Leaders need to teach the people to walk in the knowledge of Jesus by obeying.
II. The Christians must grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus. 2 Peter 3:18
a. It shall be like people like priest.
1. We have to work it out to let our people obey the Lord or we are going to be like them.
b. There are 2 schools of thought.
1. The Refregeration school.
2. The school of Harvester.
c. Our role model is Paul.
1. His passion he considered the loss of everything as dung for the excellence of the knowledge of tears. Phil. 3:8.
2. His commitment , the incident of Philippians jailer. Acts 16:24-31.
a. Paul know Jesus wants Him to evangelize Macedonia.
3. His tenacity. Acts 14:19-20, He went back to the city after being stoned.
III. change in paradigm.
1. The truth, 75% of people added to the church through relatives and friends of Christians who evangelize them.
2. God did not say, do not keep company with unbelievers as some suppose. 1Cor. 5:9-11
3. God tells us not to go with those naming themselves Christians but are drunkards or immoral or covetous or idolater or extortion.
4. Let us love the sinner but hate the sin. Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.